姓 名:耿燕
2011 – 2015 北京大学,生态学 博士
2007 – 2010 北京大学,生态学 硕士
2003 – 2007 浙江大学,生物科学 学士
2017.08-至今 北京林业大学,yabocom(中国)官方网站森林经理学科 讲师
2015.08-2017.08 中国农业科学院,农业环境与可持续发展研究所 博士后
[1] 林学概论
[2] 森林文化与美学
[3] 森林经理前沿讲座
[4] 生态学专题
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,阔叶红松林功能多样性及生产力对不同强度采伐的响应(31800362),2019/01–2021/12,28万元,主持
[2] 中央高校基本科研专项,不同采伐强度对东北次生林群落功能性状和功能多样性的影响(BLX201702),2018/01–2019/12,6.7万元,主持
[1] Yan Geng, Hanqing Yu, Yong Li, Mahbubul Tarafder, Guanglong Tian, Adrian Chappell. 2018. Traditional manual tillage significantly affects soil redistribution and CO2 emission in agricultural plots on the Loess Plateau. Soil Research, 56: 171-181
[2] Yan Geng, Wenhong Ma, Liang Wang, Frank Baumann, Peter Kuhn, Thomas Scholten, Jin-Sheng He. 2017. Linking above- and belowground traits to soil and climate variables: an integrated database on China's grassland species. Ecology, 98: 1471-1471
[3] Yan Geng, Frank Baumann, Chao Song, Mi Zhang, Yue Shi, Peter Kuhn, Thomas Scholten, Jin-Sheng He. 2017. Increasing temperature reduces the coupling between available nitrogen and phosphorus in soils of Chinese grasslands. Scientific Reports, 7: 43524
[4] Yan Geng, Wenjuan Han, Chenchen Yu, Qinsu Jiang, Jianzhi Wu, Jie Chang, Ying Ge. 2017. Effect of plant diversity on phosphorus removal in hydroponic microcosms simulating floating constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 107: 110-119
[5] Yan Geng, Liang Wang, Dongmei Jin, Huiying Liu, Jin-Sheng He. 2014. Alpine climate alters the relationships between leaf and root morphological traits but not chemical traits. Oecologia, 175: 445-455
[6] Yan Geng, Zhiheng Wang, Cunzhu Liang, Jingyun Fang, Frank Baumann, Peter Kuhn, Thomas Scholten, Jin-Sheng He. 2012. Effect of geographical range size on plant functional traits and the relationships between plant, soil and climate in Chinese grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21: 416-427
[7] Yan Geng, Yonghui Wang, Kuo Yang, Shaopeng Wang, Hui Zeng, Frank Baumann, Peter Kuhn, Thomas Scholten, Jin-Sheng He. 2012. Soil respiration in Tibetan alpine grasslands: belowground biomass and soil moisture, but not soil temperature, best explain the large-scale patterns. Plos One, 7: e34968
[8] 耿燕, 吴漪, 贺金生. 2011. 内蒙古草地叶片磷含量与土壤有效磷的关系. 植物生态学报, 35: 1-8
[9] Bo Zhao, Yan Geng, Jing Cao, Lu Yang, Xiuhai Zhao. 2018. Contrasting responses of soil respiration components in response to five-year nitrogen addition in a Pinus tabulaeformis forest in northern China. Forest, 9: 544.
(Updated in Oct, 2018)